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Will A Derma Roller Be Okay For Me to Use If I Scar Quite Easily?

Derma rolling is a non-invasive, clinical treatment that makes use of hundreds of microscopic needles to treat a variety of skin conditions from pigmentation, aging, and stretch marks to scarring.

So, even if you scar quite easily, you can still use a derma roller.

Technically handheld derma rolling devices create tiny punctures in the epidermis and dermis of the skin to encourage regeneration and renewal response. Derma Roller Therapy can be used for the treatment of:


Scar tissues are generally broken down with 1.5mm needles. Acne scars on the other hand can be treated with 1.0mm needles. Derma rollers show visible results within a few weeks of use. The treatment is ideal even if your skin is prone to scarring.

2.Fine And Deep Wrinkles

This simple yet effective treatment can visibly reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles, when treated with a needle length of no greater than 1.5mm.

3.Skin Pigmentation and Sun Damage

Derma rollers with needles of length 1.0mm to 1.5mm are ideal for treating sun damaged skin. It is also effective in treating pigmented skin, bringing about even tone and revived skin radiance within a short span of time.

4.Aging Skin

Derma rolling treatment is beneficial for older women and men, suffering from loose and aging skin. The therapy is being used all over the world to effectively tighten the skin through stimulation and regeneration of collagen and elastin.

A handheld derma roller (which you can use at home) doesn’t cost a fortune. Get yourself a dermaroller and see the results yourself!