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Can I use Dermaroller all over my body in one go for quick results?

When opting for dermarolling treatment, whether at home or under the supervision of an expert, it is important for you to plan your derma rolling sessions well in advance and keep to a routine. Read along to find out!

Most of us today lead pretty hectic lifestyles and wish for treatments that would not consume too much of our time. Dermarolling is one of the most popular skin rejuvenation treatments. Due to its quick and effective application, dermarolling has got quite popular with women of all age groups.

When you get your hands on a derma roller, make sure not to use it hastily. Using it in one go all over the body, for example, is NOT recommended.

How Does Derma Roller Works?

Derma rollers can be used for effective treatment of acne and surgical scars, pitted skin, scalds, burns, wrinkles and so much more.

Scarring or pitting is generally caused due to lack of collagen in the skin. Therefore, in order to induce skin collagen, derma roller medical device is rolled over the skin with hundreds of tiny micro-needles. This triggers the healing response from the skin and allows it to naturally repair and regenerate by forming its own fresh collagen from deep within the dermis and new skin cells.

Since it works by first causing injuries that are followed by skin rejuvenation, it is certainly not advisable to use a derma roller in one go on all parts of your body.

Uses of Derma Roller

Derma roller device is suitable to be used on all skin types and areas of the body that may suffer from stretch marks and acne scarring – face, shoulder, back, scalp, buttocks, stomach, etc. But as mentioned earlier, the process involves skin inflammation and healing cycles, therefore it should not be practiced all over the body in one go. Give your skin the time to heal itself without stressing.